what it means to become a
Join the MCFA and become part of the movement to expand local flowers across Montana.
Membership includes educational articles, an equipment resource guide, grower to grower networking, advocacy for favorable farm regulations, marketing and find-ability of your farm on our Flower Map and grant education. Grower and Aspiring Grower Level's are for Montana based growers only.
Grower Level
Must be a current cut flower producer
Full access to all resources
Voting member of the association
Partner Level
Related agribusiness person, support staff and professional representatives, or research/educational institution members (Example: florists, flower shops, wholesalers, compost suppliers, nurseries, Department of Ag affiliates, etc.)
Full access to all resources
Non-voting members of the association
Aspiring Grower Level
First-time member who may not yet be a grower or producer
Allows for connections to educational opportunities and resources for new flower growers
Non-voting members of the association
Term: up to two years.